A 50 min session with one of our licensed therapists is $150. An 80 min session with one of our licensed therapists is $200. Investing in your mental health is a high priority. We know therapy is expensive and we are happy to provide a Good Faith Estimate for the total cost of therapy at your request.
The length of therapy can vary depending on the reason for coming, but on average therapy is completed within 15-20 sessions. For more information regarding what to expect with how therapy is scheduled and the associated costs, please click here.
Northstar Counseling does not accept insurance at this time.
Our therapists are fully licensed and local across the state of Texas. Telehealth allows you to easily access mental health services at times that best meet your needs. It allows you to save time and money on travel to therapy. We are proud to offer flexible scheduling through telehealth.
Confidentiality is of the upmost importance to Northstar Counseling. We understand that the information you are sharing is personal. If you access telehealth at home, you have full control over privacy. Counselors would be required to break confidentiality in the event of disclosures of child or elderly abuse, if the therapist believes you are at risk of harming yourself or others, or a court order.
All appointments need to be canceled with at least 24 hours advanced notice. You will communicate directly with your counselor to cancel. If you do not notify your therapist with 24 hours’ notice you will be billed the full price of the session.
Call and leave a voicemail or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.